Philip Gowler /?output=FEED&user_id=90256&about=1&r=4 en Philip Gowler Tue, 22 Mar 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Modern Stress Management Professional Course Review by Philip Gowler Philip Gowler writes: "I am currently working through the MSM distance learning course with the wonderful Lorna Firth. I LOVE the course material, being an ex-corporate employee, I know this would work well in business, but if course it is equally good for anyone or any gro" Fri, 28 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0100 Energy EFT Master Practitioner Course Review by Philip Gowler Philip Gowler writes: "The Sanctuary blew my mind. It gives us (gives? or opens the door?) infinite imagination and strength, but it occurred to me that if we are all linked by energy, then so are our potentially infinite sanctuaries...and that is really huge."